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Research Team

Nick J. Mulé, PhD

Principal Investigator

Nick J. Mulé, PhD is a professor in the School of Social Work, cross-appointed to the Faculty of Health and the School of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies where he is currently serving as Coordinator of the Sexuality Studies Program at York University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Research profile at:

JP Armstrong

Research Coordinator

JP Armstrong is a PhD candidate at York University. His research brings together social movement scholarship and critical sexuality studies to examine various forms of and resistances to LGBTQ activism.

Stephanie Jonsson

Research Assistant

Stephanie Jonsson is a PhD Candidate in Gender, Feminist, and Women's Studies at York University. Her research examines the barriers 2S-LGBTQ+ older adults experience when accessing online service provisions during and in the recovery of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Queer Ontario

Community Partner

Queer Ontario is a provincial network of gender and sexually diverse individuals — and their allies — who are committed to questioning, challenging, and reforming the laws, institutional practices, and social norms that regulate queer people. Operating under liberationist and sex-positive principles, we fight for accessibility, recognition, and pluralism, using social media and other tactics to engage in political action, public education, and coalition-building.


Davina Hader

Maryam Khan

Research Assistant
Research Assistant

A.J. Lowik

Cameron McKenzie

Research Assistant
Research Assistant

Dwayne Shaw

Research Assistant
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